She wanted to create flash cards quickly, so I suggested making them in PowerPoint.
Choose the Title Only slide from the Slide layout.
Drag the title bar down so it is in the centre of the slide.
Type in the number sentence, insert a square shape from AutoShapes (Shapes).
Resize everything so it fits in the slide
Click on the slide in the Slide Panel, press Ctrl D (Command D for Apple) to duplicate the slide.
Change the numbers and box around, repeat once more until you have 3 slides.
Shift click all 3 slides and then duplicate. Change all the numbers. Repeat this last step until all of the Flash cards have been made.
When printing make sure you select the Handouts - Slides per page 6
Cut out, write the answer on the back, laminate and bag the cards.
The PowerPoints can be used as a computer activity as well. Duplicate each slide and type in the answer, resave as an activity. In Normal view, students click on the box and type in the answer or in Slideshow View they can use the pencil to draw the answer. The next slide will have the answer for them.
Make a series of cards and games and organise them into
- Doubles (to 10) (more than 10)
- Bonds to 10 (creates 10 i.e. 7 +3, 6 +4),
- Combinations up to 5, (a total less than or including 5)