Monday, March 31, 2008
ICT and everyday activities
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Youtube and downloading
Copy the URL from the youtube video page
Go to and paste the URL in the box
From the pull-down menu, select "MP4 for iPod" (this is a both efficient and compatible video format)
Click 'start', and wait for it to convert and download
When it is downloaded, drag'n'drop the file into the iTunes application or play it through QuickTime Player
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
KidPix and modelling writing
Interactive PowerPoints
Monday, March 24, 2008
PowerPoint and Visual Dioramas
Jenny has been using Kidspiration to make picnic scenes. I suggested that she should try a visual diorama next. A visual diorama is a background photo placed on one slide in PowerPoint
and then children find graphics that have no backgrounds and place them on the photo. They can build up a story by what they place on the photo background. This is the ideal opportunity to teach children how to resize and move graphics on the page. More able students could also learn how to move graphics behind and front of other graphics. This is also the ideal time to identify those visual spatial students, the ones who are aware of space and perspective.
An extension to this activity is to use the presenter note space below the slide. Children can type a story here, this could be a draft or the final published view.
To print it out, make sure when you go File - Print and select the Notes option .
It will print out looking like this.
Or you could add lines to the Presenter note space using a simple trick like this
- Click in the Note space
- set your font size to at least 26
- hold down your Shift key
- tap or hold down the minus/underscore key on the keyboard
- the page will fill up with lines
- this can then be printed out and the children can write directly onto the lines
This is a great writing motivator for children as they create their own stories out of the pictures they have chosen.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Artrage and Portraits
- it is free with a limited palette of tools (but it is worth paying the $1 per license only available to New Zealand schools for all of the tools)
- it has been created by New Zealand developers
- it is a fantastic programme
Martha's art lesson is all about portraits. She had thought about the children doing something using the computer. I suggested she use Artrage. There are some wonderful youtube movies that demonstrate drawings and paintings being created in Artrage. These movies are great motivators to show children how art can be created using software.
Another feature of Artrage is the ability to import photos into Artrage, by clicking on the Tracing button (0r add tracing image in the older versions), navigate and find where your photo is saved (for portrait photos ensure that the face fills most of the photo).
Use the pencil tool and set pressure high, softness and tilt angle low and draw around the outline. Remove the photo by clicking Tools- Tracing options - Clear Tracing Image. This can then be printed out, photocopied up to A3 and use what ever medium you choose to finish off the art piece.
Or maybe for some of those children who have those highly developed intrapersonal and visual spatial skills (and time) let them use the painting tool to finish the painting in full.
This programme is updated regularly so make sure that you download the free updates. The instructions in this post relate to version 2.5.20
Audacity and Listening Posts
Initial letters and Kidspiration
youtube movies
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Hot Potatoes
Select Add Blocked Content Click Yes.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Fluency in Reading
Monday, March 17, 2008
Comic Life and new students
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Report writing in KidPix
Recount Writing
Jack's Year 5/6 Class are writing recounts at the moment. Some of the children are using a recount framework created in Inspiration
The structure of the template guides the children through writing an introduction (with notes reminding them about Where, when, why, how etc). The body part of the template has notes attached with examples of 'vigorous verbs', 'awesome adjectives' and good examples of starters for sentences and linking sentence words. Finally the conclusion box reminds the writer how to finish their recount.