Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Five things I would want my teacher to know about me

Shaun Wood sent me this challenge which was first started by Allanah King. It is a worthwhile challenge to do with our students because it will make them think about how they learn

5 things I would want my teacher to know about me
  1. I like art, I am visual... if you talk at me you will see me doodling in my books
  2. I can listen to you and do other things at the same time
  3. I don't like to sit for long periods of time, I need to move and I do fidget
  4. If you are telling me something I already know then I will get bored and will look for something else to do
  5. I like open challenges, pose a problem and let me choose how to solve it
 I challenge @dbeehre, @krivett1, @llaburn, @lindalehrke, @KseniaNZ to do this challenge

    1 comment:

    1. 1. I can not listen for a long time. I need to move and do in order to learn.
      2. I love to create so give me practical problems.
      3. I'm a daydreamer and if I look like I'm in my own little world... then I probably am.
      4. I learn best when the teacher is passionate about what they are teaching.
      5. Don't ever talk down to me. You might be more knowledgable but we are both people and I only give respect to those who give it to me also.
